Best Vaginal discharge treatment in Ghaziabad

Vaginal discharge treatment Ghaziabad

Vaginal Discharge: A Guide to Normal and Abnormal Discharge at Precision Gynaecology with Dr. Neha Poddar

Vaginal discharge is a natural and healthy part of a woman's reproductive system. It helps keep the vagina clean, lubricated, and free from infection. The amount, color, and consistency of discharge can vary throughout your menstrual cycle and throughout your life.

At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha Poddar understands that vaginal discharge can sometimes be a cause for concern. This guide will help you understand what's normal and when to seek professional advice.

Normal Vaginal Discharge:

  • Appearance: Healthy discharge is usually clear, white, or milky white. It may be sticky, slippery, or creamy in texture.
  • Amount: The amount of discharge can vary from woman to woman and throughout your cycle. Some women experience very little discharge, while others may notice more discharge around ovulation or before their period.
  • Odor: Normal discharge may have a mild smell, but it shouldn't be unpleasant or fishy.
Vaginal discharge treatment hospital Ghaziabad

Changes to Look Out For:

If you notice any changes in the following aspects of your vaginal discharge, it's recommended to consult Dr. Poddar:

  • Color: A yellow, green, or gray color can indicate an infection.
  • Odor: A strong, fishy odor can be a sign of bacterial vaginosis, while a foul odor may suggest another infection.
  • Consistency: Thick, clumpy discharge or discharge that is very itchy or irritating can be signs of an infection or other issue.
  • Amount: A sudden increase or decrease in discharge can be cause for concern.

Causes of Abnormal Discharge:

Several factors can contribute to abnormal vaginal discharge, including:

  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV): The most common cause of abnormal discharge, BV is a bacterial imbalance in the vagina.
  • Yeast infection: A fungal infection that can cause thick, white, clumpy discharge with burning and itching.
  • Trichomoniasis: A sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause green or yellow discharge with a fishy odor.
  • Cervical infections: Infections of the cervix, caused by bacteria or STIs, can cause abnormal discharge.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): An infection of the reproductive organs that can cause various symptoms, including abnormal discharge.

When to See Dr. Poddar:

If you experience any of the following, schedule an appointment with Dr. Poddar:

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge, especially with a change in color, odor, or consistency.
  • Vaginal itching, burning, or irritation.
  • Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse.
  • Pain or burning when urinating.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Dr. Poddar will ask about your symptoms, medical history, and sexual history. She may perform a pelvic exam and order tests, such as a vaginal swab, to diagnose the cause of your abnormal discharge. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause and may involve medication, such as antibiotics or antifungals, or other interventions.

Vaginal discharge treatment - Dr. Neha Poddar
Vaginal discharge treatment Hospital near Ghaziabad

Maintaining Vaginal Health:

Here are some tips for maintaining healthy vaginal discharge:

  • Practice good hygiene by washing your vulva with warm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap.
  • Avoid douching, which can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.
  • Wear cotton underwear that allows for ventilation.
  • Wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent bacteria from entering the vagina.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Remember, vaginal discharge is a normal bodily function. However, if you experience any concerning changes, Dr. Poddar at Precision Gynaecology is here to help. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns and achieve optimal vaginal health.


Normal vaginal discharge is typically clear or milky white in color, and it may vary in consistency throughout the menstrual cycle. It helps keep the vagina clean and healthy by flushing out bacteria and dead cells. If you notice any changes in color, odor, or consistency of your vaginal discharge, it's important to consult with Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology for further evaluation.

Abnormal vaginal discharge may be caused by infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Other factors like hormonal changes, douching, or certain medications can also lead to changes in vaginal discharge. Dr. Neha Poddar specializes in diagnosing and treating the underlying causes of abnormal vaginal discharge at Precision Gynaecology.

Changes in vaginal discharge that may indicate a problem include an unusual color (such as yellow, green, or gray), a foul odor, or a thick, cottage cheese-like consistency. If you experience itching, burning, or irritation in the vaginal area along with abnormal discharge, it's important to seek medical advice from Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment for abnormal vaginal discharge depends on the underlying cause. It may include antifungal medications for yeast infections, antibiotics for bacterial infections, or other medications prescribed by Dr. Neha Poddar based on the specific diagnosis. It's important to follow the treatment plan recommended by Dr. Poddar and attend follow-up appointments to ensure the condition resolves completely at Precision Gynaecology.