Uterine Prolapse, vaginal infections, Leaking amniotic fluid & Cervical Insufficiency treatment in Ghaziabad

Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy treatment Ghaziabad

Expert Uterine Prolapse Care at Precision Gynaecology with Dr. Neha Poddar

Facing uterine prolapse during pregnancy can be daunting, but with the right care, you and your baby can thrive. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology specializes in providing expert care and support for women experiencing uterine prolapse during pregnancy.

Why Choose Dr. Poddar for Your Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy?

  • Experience in Complex Cases: Uterine prolapse during pregnancy requires specialized attention. Dr. Poddar's expertise ensures you receive comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.
  • Close Monitoring: Regular prenatal visits and thorough assessments are crucial for monitoring the severity of uterine prolapse and ensuring the well-being of both you and your baby.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Dr. Poddar will develop a personalized treatment plan to manage uterine prolapse during pregnancy, considering factors such as the stage of prolapse, your overall health, and the safety of your baby.
  • Supportive Care: Pregnancy can exacerbate symptoms of uterine prolapse, but Dr. Poddar offers compassionate support and guidance to help you navigate this challenging journey with confidence.
  • Collaborative Approach: Dr. Poddar collaborates closely with other specialists, such as pelvic floor physical therapists and perinatologists, to ensure comprehensive care and optimize outcomes for you and your baby.
  • Preparation for Delivery: Planning for childbirth with uterine prolapse requires careful consideration. Dr. Poddar will discuss delivery options, including vaginal birth versus cesarean section, to minimize risks and ensure a safe delivery for you and your baby.
  • Postpartum Care: Dr. Poddar provides ongoing support and follow-up care after childbirth to address any lingering symptoms of uterine prolapse and promote optimal recovery.
Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy treatment - Dr. Neha Poddar
Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy treatment hospital near Ghaziabad

Navigating uterine prolapse during pregnancy may seem daunting, but with Dr. Poddar's expertise and support, you can confidently manage this condition and focus on the joy of welcoming your new addition.


Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy is a condition where the uterus descends or slips into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. While uterine prolapse is more commonly associated with postpartum or menopausal women, it can occasionally occur during pregnancy, especially in women with pre-existing pelvic floor dysfunction or risk factors such as multiple pregnancies or obesity. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology provides specialized care and management strategies for women experiencing uterine prolapse during pregnancy to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes.

Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy may include sensations of pressure or discomfort in the pelvis, a feeling of heaviness or pulling in the vagina, urinary incontinence or urinary retention, and difficulty emptying the bladder or bowel. Some women may also notice a visible bulge or protrusion from the vaginal opening. Dr. Neha Poddar can help women recognize the symptoms of uterine prolapse and provide appropriate management options to alleviate discomfort and prevent complications during pregnancy at Precision Gynaecology.

Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy is diagnosed based on symptoms reported by the patient and physical examination findings. Dr. Neha Poddar may perform a pelvic examination to assess the position of the uterus and evaluate the degree of prolapse. In some cases, imaging tests such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be ordered to further evaluate the pelvic organs and rule out other potential causes of symptoms. Early detection and diagnosis of uterine prolapse during pregnancy are essential for implementing appropriate management strategies and optimizing maternal and fetal well-being at Precision Gynaecology.

Treatment for Uterine Prolapse in Pregnancy aims to alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and support the health and comfort of the mother and baby. This may include lifestyle modifications such as pelvic floor exercises (Kegels), pelvic support devices (pessaries), modifications to activities of daily living, and close monitoring of the condition throughout pregnancy. In severe cases where symptoms are significantly impacting quality of life or fetal well-being, surgical intervention may be considered after delivery. Dr. Neha Poddar will work closely with women experiencing uterine prolapse during pregnancy to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and concerns at Precision Gynaecology.

Recurrent vaginal infections treatment Ghaziabad

Struggling with Recurrent Vaginal Infections? Find Relief at Precision Gynaecology with Dr. Neha Poddar

Recurrent vaginal infections can be frustrating and disruptive to your daily life. If you experience frequent yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or other vaginal infections, Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology can help.

Here's what Dr. Poddar offers:

  • Diagnosis and Root Cause Identification: Dr. Poddar will perform a thorough evaluation to diagnose the specific type of infection and identify any underlying factors that might be contributing to the recurrence.
  • Treatment Options: Depending on the diagnosis, Dr. Poddar will recommend the most effective treatment plan. This may involve medication, lifestyle modifications, or addressing any underlying medical conditions.
  • Preventing Recurrence: Dr. Poddar will develop a personalized plan to help prevent future infections. This may include maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome, practicing good hygiene habits, and managing any predisposing factors.
  • Addressing Discomfort: Dr. Poddar understands the discomfort associated with vaginal infections. She will provide recommendations for symptom relief during flare-ups.
  • Long-Term Support: Dr. Poddar offers ongoing support and monitoring to help you achieve long-term vaginal health.
Recurrent vaginal infections treatment - Dr. Neha Poddar
Recurrent vaginal infections treatment hospital near Ghaziabad

Don't suffer in silence. Dr. Poddar is here to help you find lasting relief from recurrent vaginal infections.

Additional Points to Consider:

  • You can mention specific types of recurrent vaginal infections Dr. Poddar treats, such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
  • Briefly touch upon the importance of maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome for overall vaginal health.


Recurrent Vaginal Infections refer to the repeated occurrence of vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast infections (Candidiasis), or trichomoniasis. These infections can cause symptoms such as abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, burning, and irritation, and may significantly impact a woman's quality of life. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology provides expert evaluation and management strategies for women experiencing recurrent vaginal infections to identify underlying causes and prevent future recurrences.

Recurrent Vaginal Infections can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacterial imbalances in the vaginal microbiome, hormonal changes, sexual activity, use of certain medications (such as antibiotics or corticosteroids), compromised immune function, and underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or HIV/AIDS. Lifestyle factors such as poor hygiene practices, wearing tight clothing, and using irritating personal hygiene products may also contribute to recurrent infections. Dr. Neha Poddar can help women identify potential triggers and risk factors for recurrent vaginal infections and provide appropriate management options at Precision Gynaecology.

Recurrent Vaginal Infections are diagnosed based on symptoms reported by the patient, physical examination findings, and laboratory tests such as vaginal swabs or cultures to identify the causative organism. Dr. Neha Poddar may also perform additional tests such as pH testing or microscopy to further evaluate the vaginal environment and rule out other potential causes of symptoms. Early detection and diagnosis of recurrent vaginal infections are essential for implementing appropriate management strategies and relieving symptoms at Precision Gynaecology.

Treatment for Recurrent Vaginal Infections depends on the underlying cause and may include medications such as antifungal creams, antibiotics, or antiparasitic agents to target the specific organism causing the infection. In addition to medications, lifestyle modifications such as practicing good hygiene, wearing breathable cotton underwear, avoiding irritants, and maintaining a healthy diet and immune system may help prevent future recurrences. Dr. Neha Poddar will work closely with women experiencing recurrent vaginal infections to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their individual needs and promotes vaginal health and comfort at Precision Gynaecology.

Leaking amniotic fluid treatment Ghaziabad

Worried About Leaking Amniotic Fluid or Low Fluid Levels? Precision Gynaecology Can Help

Amniotic fluid plays a vital role in your baby's development during pregnancy. However, concerns can arise if there's too little fluid (oligohydramnios) or leaking fluid. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology understands these anxieties and offers expert care to manage both situations.


  • Oligohydramnios occurs when the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby is lower than expected for your stage of pregnancy.
  • Dr. Poddar will perform an ultrasound to diagnose oligohydramnios and determine the cause.
  • Depending on the cause and severity, she may recommend various treatment options, such as increased hydration, monitoring fetal health, or even early delivery in some cases.

Leaking Amniotic Fluid:

  • Leaking amniotic fluid can be a sign of a ruptured amniotic sac (your "water breaking"). Early detection is crucial.
  • Dr. Poddar can assess the leak and determine if it's amniotic fluid or urine (which can be mistaken for each other).
  • Based on the leak's severity and gestational age, she will recommend the best course of action, which may involve monitoring, hospitalization, or delivery depending on the circumstances.
Leaking amniotic fluid treatment - Dr. Neha Poddar
Leaking amniotic fluid treatment hospital near Ghaziabad

Why Choose Dr. Poddar for Oligohydramnios & Leaking Amniotic Fluid Concerns?

  • Experience and Expertise: Dr. Poddar has the experience and knowledge to manage these conditions effectively.
  • Advanced Diagnostic Tools: She utilizes advanced prenatal testing, including ultrasounds, to assess amniotic fluid levels and fetal well-being.
  • Personalized Care Plans: Dr. Poddar tailors treatment plans based on your specific situation and the needs of your developing baby.
  • Open Communication: She understands the worry these conditions can cause and prioritizes clear communication throughout your care.
  • Collaboration with Specialists: When needed, Dr. Poddar can collaborate with other specialists, like neonatologists (newborn care specialists), to ensure the best possible outcome.

Remember, early detection and intervention are key in managing oligohydramnios and leaking amniotic fluid. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Poddar at Precision Gynaecology.


Oligohydramnios is a condition characterized by an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus during pregnancy. Amniotic fluid plays a crucial role in protecting the fetus, maintaining a stable environment, and facilitating fetal growth and development. Oligohydramnios can occur for various reasons, including complications such as placental insufficiency, fetal kidney problems, rupture of membranes, or maternal conditions such as hypertension or preeclampsia. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology provides expert evaluation and management strategies for women diagnosed with Oligohydramnios to ensure optimal pregnancy outcomes and fetal well-being.

Symptoms of Oligohydramnios may include decreased fetal movements, a smaller-than-expected uterus size for gestational age, and complications such as fetal growth restriction or abnormal fetal heart rate patterns on monitoring. In some cases, Oligohydramnios may be asymptomatic and detected through routine prenatal ultrasound examinations. Dr. Neha Poddar will closely monitor women with Oligohydramnios and provide appropriate management options to optimize fetal well-being and prevent complications at Precision Gynaecology.

Leaking Amniotic Fluid occurs when the amniotic sac, which surrounds and protects the fetus during pregnancy, develops a tear or rupture, causing fluid to leak out. This can lead to complications such as preterm labor, intrauterine infection, or fetal distress. Leaking Amniotic Fluid may present as a sudden gush of fluid or as a slow, continuous trickle. Dr. Neha Poddar provides timely evaluation and management strategies for women experiencing Leaking Amniotic Fluid to minimize risks and ensure the health and safety of both mother and baby at Precision Gynaecology.

If you suspect you are leaking amniotic fluid, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. Contact Dr. Neha Poddar or go to the nearest healthcare facility for evaluation. Your healthcare provider may perform tests such as a physical examination, vaginal fluid assessment, or ultrasound to confirm the presence of amniotic fluid leakage and assess fetal well-being. Early detection and management of Leaking Amniotic Fluid are crucial for preventing complications and ensuring the best possible outcome for both mother and baby at Precision Gynaecology.

Cervical Insufficiency & Cervical Stitch treatment and Surgery Ghaziabad

Cervical Insufficiency and Cervical Stitch: Supporting Your Pregnancy Journey at Precision Gynaecology with Dr. Neha Poddar

Carrying a baby is a beautiful experience, but sometimes unforeseen complications can arise. Cervical insufficiency, also known as a weak cervix, can threaten the health of your pregnancy. If you're concerned about cervical insufficiency, Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology can provide expert diagnosis, support, and a treatment option called a cervical stitch to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy.

Understanding Cervical Insufficiency:

  • A cervix is the lower part of your uterus that acts like a doorway. In some women, the cervix may weaken or open too early during pregnancy, leading to miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Dr. Poddar can diagnose cervical insufficiency through a medical history review, physical exam, and sometimes, ultrasound scans.

How a Cervical Stitch Can Help:

  • A cervical stitch is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where stitches are placed around the cervix to reinforce it and keep it closed throughout your pregnancy.
  • Dr. Poddar is experienced in performing cervical stitches and will discuss the procedure's details, benefits, and potential risks with you.
  • The stitch remains in place until delivery, at which point it's removed by Dr. Poddar.
Cervical Insufficiency & Cervical Stitch treatment and Surgery - Dr. Neha Poddar
Cervical Insufficiency & Cervical Stitch treatment and Surgery hospital near Ghaziabad

Why Choose Dr. Poddar for Cervical Insufficiency and Cervical Stitch Care?

  • Experience and Expertise: Dr. Poddar has the knowledge and experience to diagnose cervical insufficiency and determine if a cervical stitch is the right course of action for you.
  • Personalized Care: She understands the emotional toll of a high-risk pregnancy and provides compassionate support throughout your journey.
  • Advanced Techniques: Dr. Poddar utilizes minimally invasive surgical techniques for a cervical stitch, promoting faster recovery.
  • Collaboration with Specialists: When needed, she can collaborate with other specialists to ensure comprehensive care for you and your baby.

Remember, early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for managing cervical insufficiency. If you have a history of miscarriage or preterm birth due to a weak cervix, consult Dr. Poddar at Precision Gynaecology. She can help you achieve a healthy pregnancy with the support of a cervical stitch.


Cervical Insufficiency, also known as incompetent cervix, is a condition characterized by the inability of the cervix to retain a pregnancy, particularly during the second trimester. This may result in painless cervical dilation and premature birth. Cervical Insufficiency is often diagnosed following one or more spontaneous second-trimester miscarriages or preterm births. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology provides expert evaluation and management strategies for women diagnosed with Cervical Insufficiency to prevent recurrent pregnancy loss and preterm birth.

A Cervical Stitch, also known as cervical cerclage, is a surgical procedure performed to reinforce and support the cervix during pregnancy. This may involve placing sutures (stitches) around the cervix to help keep it closed and prevent premature dilation. Cervical Stitching is commonly recommended for women with a history of Cervical Insufficiency or those at risk of preterm birth. Dr. Neha Poddar offers cervical cerclage procedures as part of comprehensive care for women with Cervical Insufficiency at Precision Gynaecology.

Candidates for a Cervical Stitch include women with a history of Cervical Insufficiency or those at increased risk of preterm birth due to factors such as previous preterm delivery, cervical trauma or surgery, cervical anomalies, or multiple gestations. Additionally, women with a short cervix identified on ultrasound screening may also benefit from cervical cerclage placement. Dr. Neha Poddar will carefully evaluate each patient's medical history and pregnancy risk factors to determine if cervical cerclage is appropriate at Precision Gynaecology.

The benefits of a Cervical Stitch include a reduced risk of pregnancy loss and preterm birth in women with Cervical Insufficiency or other risk factors for premature cervical dilation. However, like any surgical procedure, cervical cerclage carries potential risks such as infection, bleeding, cervical trauma, or rupture of membranes. Dr. Neha Poddar will discuss the risks and benefits of cervical cerclage placement with each patient and tailor the approach to meet their individual needs and circumstances at Precision Gynaecology.