Best Normal, Caesarean & Epidural Delivery Hospital in Ghaziabad

Normal, Caesarean & Epidural Delivery Hospital Ghaziabad

Demystifying Delivery: Normal, Cesarean, and Epidural Options at Precision Gynaecology

Giving birth is a momentous occasion, and understanding your delivery options empowers you to make informed decisions. Here at Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha Poddar works collaboratively with patients to create a personalized birth plan that prioritizes both mother and baby's well-being. Let's explore the three main delivery methods:

Normal Delivery:

A normal delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, is the natural process of childbirth where the baby exits through the birth canal. It's the most common and preferred method when there are no complications.

Normal Delivery Hospital Ghaziabad

Benefits of Normal Delivery:

  • Faster recovery time for the mother.
  • Lower risk of infection for both mother and baby.
  • Promotes natural bonding between mother and baby.
  • Reduced risk of respiratory problems for the baby compared to babies born via cesarean section.
  • Enhanced hormonal release during labor can help establish breastfeeding more easily.

Who is a good candidate for normal delivery?

Most healthy women with a low-risk pregnancy are excellent candidates for a normal delivery. Dr. Poddar will assess your individual situation and discuss the possibility of a normal delivery during your prenatal care.

Cesarean Delivery (C-Section):

A cesarean section is a surgical procedure where the baby is delivered through an incision made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. While not as common as a normal delivery, C-sections are sometimes necessary for the safety of the mother and baby.

Reasons for a C-Section:

  • Breech position (baby's feet or buttocks come first).
  • Multiple gestation (twins, triplets, etc.).
  • Placenta previa (placenta covers the cervix).
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (baby's head is too large for the mother's pelvis).
  • Fetal distress (baby shows signs of stress during labor).
  • Previous C-section (depending on the circumstances).
Caesarean Delivery Hospital Ghaziabad

Epidural Analgesia (Painless Delivery):

An epidural is a regional anesthetic that numbs the lower half of the body during labor. It allows mothers to experience the birthing process while significantly reducing pain.

Epidural Delivery Hospital Ghaziabad

Benefits of Epidural:

  • Provides pain relief during labor contractions.
  • Allows mothers to stay awake and alert during childbirth.
  • Can be used for both normal delivery and C-sections.
  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety during labor, promoting a more positive childbirth experience.
  • Enables the mother to conserve energy for the pushing stage of labor.

Who is a good candidate for an epidural?

Most healthy women in labor can choose to have an epidural. However, Dr. Poddar will discuss your specific medical history and the birthing plan to determine if an epidural is the right option for you.

Precision Gynaecology: Your Partner in Delivery

Dr. Neha Poddar prioritizes informed decision-making throughout your pregnancy journey. She will discuss all delivery options with you in detail, considering your medical history, preferences, and the baby's health. Together, you can create a birth plan that empowers you and ensures a safe and positive delivery experience.

Contact Precision Gynaecology today to schedule a consultation and discuss your delivery options with Dr. Neha Poddar. We are here to support you every step of the way, from preconception to delivery and beyond.


A Normal Delivery, also known as vaginal delivery or spontaneous delivery, is the most common method of childbirth where the baby is born through the birth canal. During a Normal Delivery, the mother experiences contractions to help push the baby out, and the baby is typically delivered headfirst. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology supports and assists women in achieving successful Normal Deliveries, providing personalized care and support throughout the childbirth process.

A Caesarean Delivery, also known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure where the baby is delivered through an incision made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Caesarean Deliveries may be planned or performed in emergency situations where vaginal delivery is not possible or safe for the mother or baby. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology is experienced in performing Caesarean Deliveries when necessary, prioritizing the health and safety of both mother and baby.

An Epidural Delivery, commonly referred to as painless delivery, involves the administration of an epidural anesthesia into the lower back to numb the lower half of the body and alleviate pain during childbirth. Epidural anesthesia allows the mother to remain awake and alert while experiencing reduced pain and discomfort during labor and delivery. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology offers Epidural Deliveries as an option for women seeking a more comfortable and manageable childbirth experience.

The decision regarding the delivery method depends on various factors such as the mother's health, medical history, maternal pelvic diameters, any deformity due to polio or fractures, preferences, and the baby's position and size of baby's head. Dr. Neha Poddar will discuss the available options, risks, and benefits of each delivery method with the expectant mother, considering her individual circumstances and preferences. Together, they will develop a personalized birth plan that prioritizes the health and well-being of both mother and baby at Precision Gynaecology.