Best Laparoscopic, Hysteroscopic & Robotic surgery in Ghaziabad

Laparoscopic surgery Ghaziabad

Laparoscopic Surgeries

Laparoscopic surgeries, also known as minimally invasive surgeries, are advanced procedures that allow surgeons to operate through small incisions using a camera and specialized instruments. This technique offers numerous benefits over traditional open surgeries, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and minimal scarring. At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha specializes in laparoscopic surgeries to treat various gynecological conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and ectopic pregnancies. The precision and effectiveness of laparoscopic surgeries ensure that patients receive high-quality care with optimal outcomes.

Dr. Neha and her team are dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care throughout your surgical journey. From the initial consultation to postoperative follow-ups, our goal is to ensure a seamless and comfortable experience. We utilize the latest technology and techniques to perform laparoscopic surgeries, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible care. If you are considering laparoscopic surgery or have been advised to undergo one, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Neha to discuss your options and develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where the uterus is removed using laparoscopic techniques. This approach offers advantages such as smaller incisions, reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times compared to traditional open surgery. At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha performs TLH with precision and care, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients requiring hysterectomy for various gynecological conditions.

Dr. Neha Poddar possesses extensive experience in performing TLH and is dedicated to providing her patients with the highest quality of care. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic techniques, she is able to minimize surgical trauma, reduce blood loss, and facilitate a smoother recovery process. Her meticulous approach and attention to detail contribute to excellent patient outcomes.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

Following a TLH procedure, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery journey. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity and dietary restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns that may arise.

Laparoscopic Myomectomy involves the removal of uterine fibroids (myomas) using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. This procedure preserves the uterus, making it an ideal option for women who wish to retain their fertility. Dr. Neha specializes in laparoscopic myomectomy, providing patients with the benefits of reduced postoperative pain, minimal scarring, and quicker recovery compared to open surgery.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic surgery enables her to perform myomectomy with precision and efficiency. She carefully assesses each patient’s individual needs to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, Dr. Neha can effectively remove fibroids while minimizing the risk of complications and preserving uterine integrity.

Laparoscopic Myomectomy

Following a laparoscopic myomectomy, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to ensure optimal recovery. She offers guidance on pain management, wound care, and physical activity restrictions. Additionally, Dr. Neha emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns patients may have.

Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis is a procedure to remove adhesions (scar tissue) within the pelvic cavity that may cause pain or infertility. Using advanced laparoscopic techniques, Dr. Neha meticulously dissects and removes these adhesions, restoring normal pelvic anatomy and function. This minimally invasive approach reduces the risk of recurrence and promotes faster recovery.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic adhesiolysis allows her to identify and release adhesions with precision, minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding organs. By carefully separating the adhered tissues, she helps restore normal pelvic function and alleviate associated symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), and infertility.

Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis

Following a laparoscopic adhesiolysis procedure, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and assess the effectiveness of the procedure.

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove ovarian cysts, including simple cysts, complex cysts, and endometriomas. Dr. Neha employs precise laparoscopic techniques to excise the cysts while preserving healthy ovarian tissue, ensuring minimal discomfort and a quick return to normal activities.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy allows her to accurately diagnose and treat various types of ovarian cysts. She carefully assesses each patient's condition to determine the optimal surgical approach. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, Dr. Neha can effectively remove cysts while minimizing the risk of complications and preserving ovarian function.

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy

Following a laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and assess the overall outcome of the procedure.

Laparoscopic Excision of Dermoid Cyst involves the removal of dermoid cysts (teratomas) from the ovaries using minimally invasive techniques. These cysts can contain various tissues and may cause pain or complications. Dr. Neha's expertise in laparoscopic surgery ensures the safe and effective removal of dermoid cysts with minimal scarring and rapid recovery.

Dr. Neha possesses extensive experience in managing complex cases involving dermoid cysts. She utilizes advanced laparoscopic techniques to carefully dissect and remove these cysts while preserving healthy ovarian tissue. Her meticulous approach minimizes the risk of cyst rupture and subsequent complications, such as chemical peritonitis.

Laparoscopic Excision of Dermoid Cyst

Following a laparoscopic dermoid cyst excision, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to facilitate optimal recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns patients may have.

Excision of Endometriotic Implants is a laparoscopic procedure to remove endometriosis tissue from various pelvic structures. This treatment aims to alleviate pain and improve fertility. Dr. Neha's advanced laparoscopic skills allow for precise excision of endometriotic implants, offering patients significant relief and improved quality of life.

Dr. Neha specializes in the comprehensive management of endometriosis, including the diagnosis and treatment of its various manifestations. Her expertise in laparoscopic surgery enables her to meticulously remove endometriotic implants from the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and other pelvic organs. This meticulous approach helps to reduce the risk of recurrence and improve long-term outcomes.

Excision of Endometriotic Implants

Following a laparoscopic excision of endometriotic implants, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress, assess symptom improvement, and discuss potential fertility options.

Laparoscopic Tubal Cannulation is a minimally invasive procedure to clear blocked fallopian tubes, enhancing fertility. By using laparoscopic techniques, Dr. Neha can accurately diagnose and treat tubal obstructions, increasing the chances of natural conception for women experiencing infertility.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic surgery enables her to perform tubal cannulation with precision and care. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, she can carefully identify and treat tubal blockages, restoring normal fallopian tube function. Her meticulous approach minimizes the risk of complications and maximizes the chances of successful treatment.

Laparoscopic Tubal Cannulation

Following a laparoscopic tubal cannulation, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their journey to conception. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress, assess tubal patency, and discuss potential fertility options.

Laparoscopic Fimbrioplasty is a surgical procedure to reconstruct and repair the fimbriae at the end of the fallopian tubes, improving their function and enhancing fertility. Dr. Neha performs this delicate surgery using laparoscopic techniques, ensuring precise repair and quick recovery for patients.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in minimally invasive surgery allows her to perform fimbrioplasty with precision and care. By carefully reconstructing the fimbriae, she restores the fallopian tube’s ability to capture and transport eggs, increasing the chances of successful fertilization. Her meticulous approach and attention to detail contribute to optimal outcomes for patients seeking to conceive naturally.

Laparoscopic Fimbrioplasty

Following a laparoscopic fimbrioplasty, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their journey to parenthood. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress, assess tubal function, and discuss potential fertility options.

Laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy involves procedures such as salpingectomy, salpingostomy, or salpingotomy to remove or treat an ectopic pregnancy. Dr. Neha uses minimally invasive techniques to address this potentially life-threatening condition, ensuring the best possible outcomes with minimal recovery time.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic surgery enables her to accurately diagnose and treat ectopic pregnancies promptly. She carefully assesses each patient's condition to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, Dr. Neha can effectively remove the ectopic pregnancy while minimizing blood loss and preserving healthy reproductive tissue whenever possible.

Laparoscopic Management of Ectopic Pregnancy

Following a laparoscopic procedure for ectopic pregnancy, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and emotional support. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns patients may have.

Laparoscopic management of prolapse includes procedures like enterocoele repair, vaginal vault suspension, paravaginal defect repair, and Burch colposuspension. These surgeries aim to correct pelvic organ prolapse using minimally invasive techniques. Dr. Neha's expertise ensures effective repair with less pain and faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.

Dr. Neha’s skill in laparoscopic surgery enables her to perform these procedures with precision and minimal disruption to the surrounding tissues. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, she can effectively address prolapse-related issues, such as urinary incontinence, bowel dysfunction, and pelvic pain. Her personalized approach takes into account each patient’s specific needs and preferences to develop the most suitable treatment plan.

Laparoscopic Management of Prolapse

Following a laparoscopic prolapse repair, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress, assess symptom improvement, and address any concerns patients may have.

Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy is a procedure to treat pelvic organ prolapse by attaching the vaginal vault to the sacrum using a mesh. This minimally invasive surgery provides excellent long-term support and relief from prolapse symptoms. Dr. Neha's proficiency in laparoscopic techniques ensures optimal outcomes with minimal downtime.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy allows her to perform this complex procedure with precision and efficiency. She carefully assesses each patient's individual anatomy and prolapse severity to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, Dr. Neha can securely anchor the mesh to the sacrum, providing strong support for the pelvic organs and restoring normal pelvic anatomy.

Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy

Following a laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery. This includes pain management, wound care, and guidance on physical activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress, assess symptom improvement, and address any concerns patients may have.

High Cervical Stitch is a procedure to place a cerclage (stitch) around the cervix in cases of cervical incompetence, preventing premature birth. Using laparoscopic techniques, Dr. Neha places the cerclage high on the cervix, providing effective support while minimizing surgical trauma and recovery time.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic surgery enables her to perform the high cervical stitch with precision and care. By utilizing advanced laparoscopic instruments, she can accurately place the cerclage at the optimal position on the cervix, ensuring maximum effectiveness. Her meticulous approach minimizes the risk of complications and promotes a smooth recovery process.

Laparoscopic High Cervical Stitch for Cervical Incompetence

Following a laparoscopic high cervical stitch, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients throughout their pregnancy. This includes regular monitoring, ultrasound examinations, and guidance on activity restrictions. She also emphasizes the importance of early detection of preterm labor signs and symptoms, and provides clear instructions for managing potential complications.

Diagnostic Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure to evaluate and diagnose various gynecological conditions. This procedure may include biopsies or tubal tests to assess fertility. Dr. Neha uses advanced laparoscopic techniques to provide accurate diagnoses and develop effective treatment plans, ensuring the best care for her patients.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in laparoscopic surgery enables her to perform comprehensive diagnostic evaluations with precision and minimal discomfort. By visualizing the pelvic organs directly, she can identify potential causes of symptoms such as pelvic pain, infertility, abnormal bleeding, and endometriosis. Dr. Neha’s ability to obtain tissue samples during the procedure allows for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment recommendations.

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Following a diagnostic laparoscopy, Dr. Neha provides clear and compassionate communication of the findings. She collaborates with patients to develop individualized treatment plans based on the diagnostic results. Dr. Neha’s commitment to patient-centered care ensures that patients feel informed and supported throughout the diagnostic and treatment process.

Hysteroscopic surgery Ghaziabad

Hysteroscopic Surgeries

Hysteroscopic surgeries are minimally invasive procedures that allow doctors to diagnose and treat conditions within the uterus using a hysteroscope—a thin, lighted tube inserted through the vagina and cervix. These surgeries are highly effective for addressing issues such as uterine fibroids, polyps, adhesions, and abnormal bleeding. At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha specializes in hysteroscopic surgeries, offering patients a less invasive option with benefits such as reduced pain, shorter recovery times, and no external incisions. This approach ensures that patients receive precise and effective treatment with minimal disruption to their daily lives.

Dr. Neha and her team are dedicated to providing expert, personalized care before, during, and after hysteroscopic surgery. We use the latest techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure optimal outcomes and patient comfort. Whether you need a diagnostic hysteroscopy to investigate unexplained symptoms or an operative hysteroscopy to treat a specific condition, we are here to guide you through the process with compassion and expertise. To learn more about hysteroscopic surgeries or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Neha, please contact us. We look forward to helping you achieve better gynecological health and well-being.

At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha utilizes diagnostic hysteroscopy to thoroughly examine the uterine cavity for abnormalities. This minimally invasive procedure involves inserting a thin, lighted tube (hysteroscope) through the vagina and cervix into the uterus, providing a clear view of the uterine lining.

Dr. Neha’s expertise in performing hysteroscopy allows for precise visualization of the uterine cavity, enabling her to accurately diagnose a wide range of conditions, including uterine fibroids, polyps, adhesions, and endometrial hyperplasia. By using advanced hysteroscopic techniques, she can often perform biopsies or other minor surgical procedures during the same visit, reducing the need for additional procedures and minimizing patient discomfort.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Dr. Neha emphasizes patient comfort and minimal disruption during the hysteroscopy procedure. She utilizes gentle techniques and may offer sedation or local anesthesia to enhance patient experience. Following the procedure, Dr. Neha provides clear post-operative instructions, including pain management, hygiene, and activity restrictions. She also schedules follow-up appointments to review the procedure findings and discuss any necessary treatment plans.

Dr. Neha specializes in hysteroscopic myomectomy, a targeted approach to removing uterine fibroids. Using a hysteroscope, she can precisely locate and excise fibroids that are inside the uterine cavity, offering relief from symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and fertility issues. This minimally invasive technique ensures a quicker recovery time and less scarring compared to traditional surgical methods.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy is an ideal option for women who desire to preserve their fertility while addressing fibroid-related symptoms. Dr. Neha's expertise in this procedure allows her to effectively remove fibroids while minimizing the risk of complications and preserving the overall health of the uterus. By choosing hysteroscopic myomectomy, patients can expect a shorter hospital stay, less post-operative pain, and a faster return to daily activities.

Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

Dr. Neha provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care to ensure optimal outcomes for her patients. She carefully assesses each individual's condition to determine if hysteroscopic myomectomy is the most suitable treatment option. Her dedication to patient satisfaction and well-being extends throughout the entire treatment process, from initial consultation to post-operative follow-up.

Hysteroscopic polypectomy is a procedure offered by Dr. Neha to address uterine polyps, which are abnormal growths on the uterine lining. By employing a hysteroscope, she can visualize and remove these polyps with high precision. This intervention is effective in treating symptoms such as irregular bleeding and can significantly improve overall uterine health.

Hysteroscopic polypectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows for a quick recovery time and minimal discomfort. Dr. Neha's expertise in performing this procedure ensures accurate diagnosis and efficient removal of polyps. Following the procedure, she provides clear post-operative instructions and schedules follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns.

Hysteroscopic Polypectomy

Hysteroscopic polypectomy can be beneficial for women of all ages experiencing symptoms related to uterine polyps. Dr. Neha offers a compassionate and personalized approach, ensuring that patients feel well-informed and supported throughout the entire process.

For patients with a uterine septum, Dr. Neha provides hysteroscopic septal resection to correct this congenital anomaly. The procedure involves using a hysteroscope to view and remove the septum dividing the uterine cavity. This correction enhances the chances of successful pregnancy and resolves issues associated with miscarriage and infertility linked to a septate uterus.

Hysteroscopic septal resection is a minimally invasive procedure that offers several advantages over traditional surgical methods. Dr. Neha's expertise in performing this delicate surgery ensures precise removal of the septum while minimizing the risk of complications. By correcting the uterine abnormality, patients can significantly improve their chances of carrying a pregnancy to full term and experiencing a healthy delivery.

Hysteroscopic Septal Resection

Dr. Neha provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care to support patients throughout the treatment process. She offers detailed explanations of the procedure, addresses any concerns, and provides clear instructions for post-operative care. With her expertise and compassionate approach, patients can feel confident in their decision to undergo hysteroscopic septal resection.

Dr. Neha offers advanced treatment for Asherman’s syndrome through hysteroscopic excision. This condition, characterized by scar tissue formation within the uterus, is addressed by carefully removing the adhesions using a hysteroscope. This procedure restores the uterine lining and improves fertility outcomes for women affected by this challenging condition.

Hysteroscopic excision is a specialized procedure requiring precision and expertise. Dr. Neha's skills in this area allow her to effectively release adhesions and create a healthy uterine cavity. By carefully separating the scar tissue, she helps restore normal uterine function and increases the chances of successful pregnancy.

Hysteroscopic Excision of Asherman’s Syndrome

Following hysteroscopic excision for Asherman's syndrome, Dr. Neha provides comprehensive post-operative care to support patients in their recovery and fertility journey. This includes medication management, follow-up appointments, and guidance on lifestyle factors that can impact uterine health. With her dedicated care and expertise, patients can have hope for overcoming the challenges associated with Asherman's syndrome.

To address fallopian tube blockages, Dr. Neha performs hysteroscopic tubal cannulation. This technique involves guiding a catheter through the cervix and into the fallopian tubes using a hysteroscope. By clearing any obstructions, Dr. Neha enhances fertility potential and helps women achieve their family planning goals.

Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation is a minimally invasive procedure that offers a less invasive alternative to traditional surgical approaches. Dr. Neha's expertise in performing this procedure ensures accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of tubal blockages. Following the procedure, she provides clear post-operative instructions and schedules follow-up appointments to monitor progress and discuss next steps.

Hysteroscopic Tubal Cannulation

Successful tubal cannulation can significantly increase the chances of natural conception. Dr. Neha offers personalized guidance and support to patients throughout their fertility journey, helping them navigate the emotional and physical aspects of treatment.

Robotic surgery Ghaziabad

Robotic Surgeries

Robotic surgeries represent a cutting-edge approach to minimally invasive surgery, offering enhanced precision, flexibility, and control. Using advanced robotic systems, surgeons can perform complex procedures through small incisions with greater accuracy than traditional methods. At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha is skilled in robotic-assisted surgeries for a variety of gynecological conditions, including endometriosis, fibroids, and pelvic organ prolapse. This technology allows for 3D visualization and meticulous manipulation of surgical instruments, resulting in less pain, reduced blood loss, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times for patients.

Dr. Neha and her dedicated team are committed to providing the highest level of care and expertise throughout your robotic surgery experience. From the initial consultation to postoperative care, we ensure that you are well-informed and comfortable with every step of the process. Our goal is to offer you the benefits of advanced surgical technology combined with personalized, compassionate care. If you are considering robotic surgery or have been recommended for a procedure, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Neha to discuss your options and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us.

At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Neha offers robotic hysterectomy as a cutting-edge solution for removing the uterus with unparalleled precision. Using the latest robotic-assisted technology, this minimally invasive procedure provides enhanced dexterity and visualization, allowing for smaller incisions and a quicker recovery compared to traditional surgery. The robotic system enables Dr. Neha to perform the surgery with greater accuracy, reducing postoperative pain and minimizing scarring.

Robotic hysterectomy is particularly beneficial for women with complex gynecological conditions that require intricate surgical maneuvers. Dr. Neha's expertise in utilizing this advanced technology allows her to perform delicate procedures with precision and control. By minimizing surgical trauma, robotic hysterectomy often leads to reduced blood loss, decreased risk of infection, and shorter hospital stays.

Robotic Hysterectomy

Dr. Neha provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care to ensure optimal outcomes for her patients. She carefully assesses each individual's condition to determine if robotic hysterectomy is the most appropriate treatment option. Her dedication to patient satisfaction and well-being extends throughout the entire treatment process, from initial consultation to post-operative follow-up.

Dr. Neha performs robotic myomectomy to effectively remove uterine fibroids with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. This advanced technique utilizes robotic assistance to precisely target and excise fibroids, which can alleviate symptoms such as heavy bleeding and pelvic discomfort. The robotic approach offers the advantage of smaller incisions and a faster recovery time, making it an excellent choice for patients seeking less invasive treatment options.

Robotic myomectomy provides exceptional precision and control, allowing Dr. Neha to preserve uterine tissue and minimize blood loss. By utilizing the robotic system's advanced capabilities, she can access and remove fibroids in challenging locations with greater ease and efficiency. As a result, patients often experience less pain, shorter hospital stays, and a quicker return to normal activities compared to traditional myomectomy.

Robotic Myomectomy

Dr. Neha's expertise in robotic surgery combined with her dedication to patient care ensures optimal outcomes. She carefully evaluates each patient's individual needs to determine if robotic myomectomy is the best treatment option. By providing personalized care and support, Dr. Neha empowers patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

For the removal of ovarian cysts, Dr. Neha employs robotic ovarian cystectomy to provide a precise and efficient solution. The robotic-assisted approach allows for detailed visualization and careful dissection of cysts while preserving healthy ovarian tissue. This method results in smaller incisions, reduced postoperative pain, and a quicker return to daily activities compared to traditional open surgery.

Robotic ovarian cystectomy offers several advantages over traditional laparoscopic surgery. The enhanced dexterity and precision of the robotic system allow Dr. Neha to perform complex procedures with greater ease and accuracy. By minimizing surgical trauma, robotic cystectomy often leads to less blood loss, reduced risk of complications, and a faster recovery.

Robotic Ovarian Cystectomy

Dr. Neha's expertise in robotic surgery combined with her compassionate care ensures optimal outcomes for patients. She carefully evaluates each individual's condition to determine if robotic ovarian cystectomy is the best treatment option. By providing personalized guidance and support, Dr. Neha empowers patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

Dr. Neha offers robotic tubal reversal as a preferred alternative to open surgery for women seeking to reverse previous tubal ligation. Utilizing robotic technology, this procedure provides enhanced precision and control, allowing for a more effective restoration of fertility. The minimally invasive nature of robotic tubal reversal means patients experience less discomfort and a faster recovery, making it a favorable choice for those looking to expand their family.

Robotic tubal reversal offers several advantages over traditional open surgery. The advanced robotic system provides Dr. Neha with superior visualization and dexterity, enabling her to perform delicate reconnections with precision. This translates to a higher success rate in restoring fertility compared to conventional methods. Additionally, the smaller incisions associated with robotic surgery lead to reduced scarring, less pain, and a quicker return to daily activities.

Robotic Tubal Reversal

Dr. Neha's expertise in robotic surgery coupled with her compassionate approach ensures optimal outcomes for patients undergoing tubal reversal. She provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, addressing patients' concerns and guiding them through the process. With her dedication to patient-centered care, Dr. Neha helps women regain hope for their dream of parenthood.

For addressing pelvic organ prolapse, Dr. Neha performs robotic sacrocolpopexy, which is often preferred over traditional laparoscopic approaches. This advanced robotic technique offers superior precision in securing the vaginal vault to the sacrum, resulting in improved outcomes and fewer complications. The robotic system’s enhanced capabilities enable a more effective repair with smaller incisions, reduced postoperative pain, and a quicker recovery.

Robotic sacrocolpopexy provides several advantages over traditional surgical methods. The advanced robotic system offers Dr. Neha exceptional visualization and dexterity, allowing her to perform the procedure with greater precision and control. This translates to a reduced risk of complications, such as mesh erosion or recurrence of prolapse. Additionally, the minimally invasive nature of robotic surgery often leads to shorter hospital stays and a faster return to normal activities.

Robotic Sacrocolpopexy

Dr. Neha’s expertise in robotic surgery combined with her compassionate care ensures optimal outcomes for patients with pelvic organ prolapse. She provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, addressing patients’ concerns and guiding them through the recovery process. With her dedicated approach, Dr. Neha empowers women to regain control of their lives and enjoy improved quality of life.