Best Infertility treatment (IVF & IUI) in Ghaziabad

Best Infertility treatment Ghaziabad

Considering Infertility Treatment? Exploring IUI and IVF Options at Precision Gynaecology with Dr. Neha Poddar

The journey to parenthood can be filled with joy, anticipation, and sometimes, unexpected challenges. If you're facing infertility and exploring treatment options, Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology can be your trusted partner. Here's a comprehensive look at two common infertility treatments Dr. Poddar offers: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Understanding Infertility:

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse (or 6 months if you're over 35). Various factors can contribute to infertility in both men and women.

Dr. Poddar will work with you to identify the underlying cause of your infertility and recommend the most appropriate treatment approach.

Infertility treatment hospital Ghaziabad

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI):

  • A less invasive option: IUI is often recommended as a first-line treatment for infertility, especially for cases of mild male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, or certain ovulation problems.
  • The Process: During IUI, specially prepared sperm is inserted directly into your uterus around the time of ovulation, increasing the chances of fertilization.
  • Success Rates: IUI has a lower success rate compared to IVF, but it can be a cost-effective option with a shorter treatment cycle.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):

  • A more complex procedure: IVF involves fertilization of an egg by sperm outside the body in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryo(s) are then implanted in your uterus for pregnancy.
  • Who may consider IVF: IVF can be an option for various infertility causes, including blocked fallopian tubes, severe male factor infertility, ovulation problems, or using donor eggs or sperm.
  • Success Rates: IVF generally has higher success rates than IUI, but it's a more involved process with higher costs.

Choosing the Right Treatment:

Dr. Poddar will consider various factors when recommending the most suitable treatment for you, such as:

  • Cause of infertility
  • Age and overall health
  • Previous treatment history (if any)
  • Personal preferences
Infertility treatment - Dr. Neha Poddar
Infertility treatment Hospital near Ghaziabad

At Precision Gynaecology, Dr. Poddar offers a supportive environment and personalized care throughout your infertility journey. Here's what you can expect:

  • Comprehensive evaluation: Dr. Poddar will perform a thorough evaluation to identify the underlying cause of your infertility.
  • Clear communication: She will discuss all treatment options in detail, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have.
  • Individualized treatment plan: Dr. Poddar will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • Emotional support: She understands the emotional challenges of infertility and provides a supportive environment throughout the process.

Remember, you are not alone. If you're struggling with infertility, schedule an appointment with Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology. Together, you can explore your options and take steps towards achieving your dream of parenthood.


Infertility treatment refers to medical interventions aimed at assisting couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally. Common infertility treatments include in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI), among others. Dr. Neha Poddar at Precision Gynaecology specializes in providing personalized infertility treatment plans tailored to each couple's unique needs and circumstances.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment in which eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the woman's uterus, where implantation and pregnancy may occur. IVF may be recommended for couples with various infertility factors, including tubal blockages, male factor infertility, or unexplained infertility. At Precision Gynaecology to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing washed and concentrated sperm directly into the woman's uterus during ovulation. This procedure can increase the chances of sperm reaching and fertilizing the egg, particularly for couples with mild male factor infertility, cervical issues, or unexplained infertility. Dr. Neha Poddar may recommend IUI as a less invasive and more cost-effective fertility treatment option at Precision Gynaecology.

The choice of infertility treatment depends on various factors, including the underlying cause of infertility, the woman's age, and previous treatment history. Dr. Neha Poddar will conduct a thorough evaluation of both partners and discuss the available treatment options, their success rates, and potential risks to help you make an informed decision. At Precision Gynaecology, we are committed to providing compassionate support and personalized care throughout your infertility journey, whether it involves IVF, IUI, or other fertility treatments.